The CcisInitialPhase type exposes the following members.


Public methodCcisInitialPhase


Public propertyChargeDegree

Gets or sets the degree of the charge at the specified phase.

This maps to CCIS 110-10 Charges Detail File ID#26,28,31.

(Inherited from CcisBasePhase.)
Public propertyChargeGeneralOffense

Gets or sets the general offense of the charge at the specified phase.

(Inherited from CcisBasePhase.)
Public propertyChargeLevel

Gets or sets the level of the charge at the specified phase.

This maps to CCIS 110-10 Charges Detail File ID#25,27,30.

(Inherited from CcisBasePhase.)
Public propertyChargeNcicCode
Gets or sets the NCIC code for the charge at the specified phase. (National Crime Information Center)
(Inherited from CcisBasePhase.)
Public propertyChargeOffenseActivity

Gets or sets the offense activity of the charge at the specified phase.

(Inherited from CcisBasePhase.)
Public propertyChargeStatus

Gets or sets the status of the charge at the specified phase.

(Inherited from CcisBasePhase.)
Public propertyStatuteCodeIdentification

Gets or sets the Florida statute number or local ordinance number at the specified phase.

This maps to CCIS 110-10 Charges Detail File ID#9,12,15

(Inherited from CcisBasePhase.)
Public propertyStatuteDescriptionText

Gets or sets the Florida statute description or local ordinance description at the specified phase.

This maps to CCIS 110-10 Charges Detail File ID#10,13,16

(Inherited from CcisBasePhase.)

See Also