The CcisFiling type exposes the following members.


Public methodCcisFiling


Public propertyComments

Gets or sets the comments of the case filing.

This maps to CCIS 110-05 Case Progress Docket Definition ID#9.

Public propertyDocumentIds

Gets or sets the list of unique document Ids of the case filing.

Public propertyFileDate

Gets or sets the date the pleading was filed on the case.

This maps to CCIS 110-05 Case Progress Docket Definition ID#7.

Public propertyFileSequenceNumber

Gets or sets the filing sequence number given at the time of filing.

Public propertyFilingCode

Gets or sets the filing code for the case filing.

This maps to CCIS 110-05 Case Progress Docket Definition ID#8.

Public propertyFilingFlags

Gets or sets the flags for the filing.

Filings may have multiple flags. Some may not map to CCIS 110-05 Case Progress Docket Definition ID#12,13.

Public propertyFilingId

Gets or sets the primary key used to track the case filing.

This maps to CCIS 110-05 Case Progress Docket Definition ID#6.

Public propertyPageCount

Gets or sets the page count of the case filing.

This maps to CCIS 110-05 Case Progress Docket Definition ID#14.

Public propertySystemEntryDate

Gets or sets the date the filing was entered on the system.

This maps to CCIS 110-05 Case Progress Docket Definition ID#11.

Public propertyViewSequenceNumber

Gets or sets the sequence number of the case filing.

This maps to CCIS 110-05 Case Progress Docket Definition ID#15.

See Also