The CcisCourtEvent type exposes the following members.


Public methodCcisCourtEvent


Public propertyCaseList

Gets or sets the list of cases scheduled on the event.

Public propertyComments

Gets or sets comments about the session.


Public propertyDateTime

Gets or sets the date and time of the court event.

Public propertyEventTrackingID

Gets or sets the primary key used to track a court event.

Public propertyLocation

Gets or sets the location of the event.

This maps to CCIS 110-03 Court Events File ID#10,11.

Public propertyMaxScheduleCount

Gets or sets the max schedule count if a cap has been set in MaxScheduleType.

Public propertyMaxScheduleType

Gets or sets the Max Schedule Type.

Public propertyPresidingOfficerName

Gets or sets the name of the court officer presiding over the event.

This maps to CCIS 110-03 Court Events File ID#7.

Public propertyPresidingOfficerPinId

Gets or sets Personal Identification Number of the presiding officer.

Public propertyPresidingOfficerSPN

Gets or sets the System Person Number of the presiding officer.

Public propertyScheduledCaseCount

Gets or sets the actual count of cases that have been scheduled on the event.

Public propertyScheduledDefendantsCount

Gets or sets the actual count of defendants that have been scheduled on the event.

Public propertyStatus

Gets or sets the status of the event.

Public propertyType

Gets or sets the type of event.

This maps to CCIS 110-03 Court Events File ID#8.

See Also